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The Asvins in Myths and Rituals By Snigdha Das Roy

The Asvins in Myths and Rituals By Snigdha Das Roy


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Book Description

Foreword: The foreword highlights the complexities of studying ancient cultures, particularly Vedic studies, emphasizing the need for scholars to navigate various cultural elements. It praises Dr. Snigdha Das Roy's expertise in Vedic studies, noting her mentorship under Prof. Dr. Sukumari Bhattacharji and her comprehensive approach to the subject. The foreword underscores the importance of integrating contemporary thoughts and interpretations in Vedic scholarship.

Preface Highlights

In the preface, Dr. Roy reflects on her journey as a student of Vedic literature, where she recognized two primary dimensions of the Vedas: their mythological or historical aspects and their ritualistic perspectives. Inspired by her professor, she sought to synthesize these dimensions in her work.

Key Points:

  • The book, a revised version of her Ph.D. thesis from Jadavpur University, explores the Aśvins, the twin deities in Vedic literature, through both mythological and ritualistic lenses.
  • It examines the socio-religious significance of the Aśvins and compares their functions to similar mythological figures in other cultures.
  • Dr. Roy expresses gratitude to the scholars whose work she consulted and acknowledges Prof. Bhattacharji’s invaluable guidance and resources.

Overall, the book aims to provide a holistic understanding of the Aśvins within the broader context of Vedic studies.

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