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The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Vedic Cosmos

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Vedic Cosmos


Regular price $147.99 USD
Regular price $191.99 USD Sale price $147.99 USD
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Description - 

Size of the Book A6:
( 11.4 x 15.6 ) cm
Revealed by Maharṣi Patañjali thousands of years ago, these 196 aphorisms, known as the Yoga-Sūtras, offer profound insights and practical guidance for seekers on the spiritual path. Divided into four chapters, or Pādas, the Yoga-Sutras of Patañjali is a magnificent text that describes the power of the human mind when it has achieved complete concentration and attentiveness.

Experience the Yoga Sūtras in their most exquisite form with our A6 Size book housed within a one-of-a-kind antique-styled wooden box made of pure maple, walnut, and beige wood, making this edition a testament to fine artistry and elegance.  Not only does it provide utmost protection for your cherished book, but it also adds a touch of sophistication and beauty to your bookshelf or sacred space.

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